Getting Married under Lockdown

As we all know the wedding season always takes during summer till the beginning of fall, but this time everything has changed, due to COVID – 19. Everyone must have heard or knew someone who was supposed to get married this year but due to the current circumstances things have changed. To be more specific, In Jordan for example everyone has been under total lockdown since March 14. After just a few COVID-19 cases appeared around the country.  The government had issued in their Defense orders many decisions speaking about social gatherings especially in occasions that require the attendance of 10 or more individuals, such as engagements, weddings, conferences, restaurants and many more. These orders had made many to consider postponing or cancelling their special occasion. All of this had made couples who were expected to get married search for new solutions in accordance to the issued Defense orders decisions, to continue with their wedding procedures.

Safety procedures are being used even though there aren’t many guests unfortunately, social distancing and safety tools are being used to ensure the safety of everyone.

We hope that this Pandemic shall be over soon and everyone will get back to the normal, and whoever had to postpone their big occasion can continue were they last stopped and enjoy it with their friends and family.

Spiro Khnouf

Account Executive


May 26th 2020